• 刮刮卡贈出日期:109/01/17~109/02/17-共計32天
  • 活動門市:小北百貨全台門市 ( 不含未配合當月全台DM檔期的門市 )
  • 刮刮卡領獎方式及日期:( 逾期視同放棄 )
    • [金獎]汽車、金條、五萬元現金、iPhone 11、TISSOT 腕錶、Switch Lite,本公司將在109/3/4於小北百貨FB粉絲團直播抽出得獎者,並於3/6前將中獎名單公告在小北百貨官方網站、FB粉絲專頁及門市公佈欄張貼,本公司將於中獎名單公告後3天內,以電話通知得獎者,得獎者須於109/3/20前,至小北百貨任一門市或撥打客服專線0800-002-198完成相關兌獎事宜及流程。
      ※ 兌獎資格:中獎者須持刮刮卡[金獎聯]兌獎,如遺失或無法提供均視為不符合中獎資格。
    • [銀獎]頭獎~九獎須於109年1月17日至109年2月24日之期間內,至原發卡的門市兌換。
  • 於活動期間至本公司門市單筆消費滿588元,即可獲得『金包贏刮刮卡』乙張,消費滿1,176元,即可獲得兩張…以此類推,張張有獎。
  • 『金包贏刮刮卡』限當日單筆消費滿額兌換一次,不同筆交易無法累計金額,且不可重複兌換。
  • 本活動屬競技競賽及機會中獎所得,依中華民國所得稅法之規定:
    • 年度累積中獎價值若超過NT$1,001元以上者,應列入得獎人年度綜合所得,請中獎者提供身分證正、反面影本,以供承辦單位向稅務機關進行各類所得申報作業;主辦單位依所得稅法第94-1條之規定,得免填發各類所得扣繳暨免扣繳憑單予得獎人,若得獎人有需求時,請另行提出申請。
    • 中獎價值在NT$20,001元以上者,依法需繳交10%稅金。得獎者若非中華民國國境內設籍之國人(即在中華民國境內居住未達183天之本國人及外國人),不論得獎者所得之獎項價值多寡,須就中獎所得扣繳20%機會中獎稅。若得獎者無法同意提供上述身份證明文件或應繳稅額等活動條件,均視同放棄中獎資格,且不得異議。得獎者需於隔年5月底前完成申報。其他未盡事宜,悉依稅法相關規定辦理。
  • [折價券]限下筆交易使用,不得折換現金或找零,折價券兌換後由門市人員正面蓋【已兌換】章後回收,如未於活動規定期限內兌換折價,該張刮刮卡折價券即失效。
  • [折價券]不可折抵菸、酒、米、蛋、奶、免稅、代售、點數卡等商品,或訂金、運費、維修費、雙北市政府發行之專用垃圾袋等其他非商品價格。
  • 原購買商品退換貨時,如扣除該商品價額未達活動贈送門檻或條件,須同時退還刮刮卡及贈送之獎項,否則將視為商品退換貨不完全,恕無法提供退換貨服務。
  • 中獎人須年滿20歲,未滿20歲者須附上法定代理人簽章,並提供法定代理人身份證明文件影本或由法定代理人協同辦理領獎及相關手續。
  • 中獎之獎項如有其他依法應繳納或因個人要求而產生之費用時,均由中獎人自行負擔,如中獎者不願繳納或未於本公司規定期限內繳納,均視為放棄中獎權利。
  • 本活動各獎項僅限於該獎項本身,其獎項之規格、配備、顏色等以廠商實際交付之實品為準,依政府規定之領牌費、保險、相關稅金以及過戶時應支付之任何費用、或按中獎人要求而加裝配備,或其他個人需求所產生之費用,皆由中獎者自行負擔。
  • 中獎獎項皆依實際商品為主,恕不接受折現、兌換其他商品或加價購買,請領獎者於門市現場檢查確認商品有無瑕疵,離開門市後恕不接受外觀瑕疵退貨。
  • 本公司對活動獎品不負後續品質保證與維修服務之責,日後之維修或保固相關等服務,請與該商品公司之服務專線聯繫。
  • 本活動發行之刮刮卡,如發現塗改、變造、遺失或破損致無法辨認,本公司有權利視為該張刮刮卡無效作廢,恕不補發,持卡者不得異議。
  • 本公司保有修改本活動辦法之權利,如有任何更改,均以門市公告為準。如遇天災或其他不可歸責之事由,本公司保留隨時修改或中止本活動之權利,恕不另行通知。
  • Dates for the Scratch Card Giveaway: 2020/01/17~2020/02/17 (32 days in total).
  • Participating Stores: All Show Ba Convenience Stores across Taiwan (excluding stores that are not listed in the monthly nationwide direct mail).
  • Dates and Prize Pick-up (prizes not claimed before the expiry date shall be considered forfeited).
    • Gold Prize: Automobile, gold bar, NT$50,000 cash, iPhone 11, TISSOT wristwatch, and Switch Lite. We will draw the prize winners live on Show Ba Convenience Store’s FB Fan Page on March 4, 2020, and the prize winners will be announced no later than March 6 on our official website, FB Fan Page and in our stores. We will contact the prize winners by phone within 3 days of announcing the prize winners, and they are required to come to any of our Show Ba stores or call our customer service hotline on 0800-002-198 before March 20, 2020 to complete the necessary prize claim procedures.
      ※ Prize Claim Requirements: The prize winner is required to present the scratch card (or the receipt for the Gold Prize) in order to claim the prize. Those failing to do so or having lost the scratch card (or the receipt for the Gold Prize) will be disqualified.
    • Silver Prize: Top prize to 9th prize winners have to go to the card-issuing store to claim their prizes from January 17, to February 24, 2020.
  • During the event period, any single transaction of NT$588 or above in any of our stores will be rewarded with a Gold Winners scratch card. Any single transaction of NT$1,176 or above will be rewarded with 2 scratch cards, and so on and so forth.
  • The Gold Winners scratch card is awarded on the basis of a single transaction of the day. The amount of different transactions made on the same day is not cumulative, and no repeat exchanges can be made.
  • In line with the Income Tax Act of the Republic of China, the prizes in this event are considered Income from Contests and Games and from Prizes and Awards Won by Chance.
    • Should the prize value accumulated over the year exceed NT$1,001, the prize should be entered into the individual income of the year. Prize winners are required to submit photocopies of both sides of their ID in order for the event organizer to proceed with the filing of an income tax return to the taxation authority. In line with Article 94-1 of the Income Tax Act, the event organizer shall be exempt from issuing withholding and non-withholding tax statements to prize winners. If needed, the prize winners will have to submit an application separately.
    • Should the prize value accumulated over the year exceed NT$20,001, submission of a 10% tax is required by law. If the prize winner is not an individual residing in the Republic of China (i.e. Taiwan nationals and foreigners who have lived in the Republic of China for less than 183 days), 20% of the prize money will be considered as Income Won By Chance and deducted for tax purposes regardless of the prize value. Should the prize winner refuse to comply with such event conditions as submitting the aforementioned identification documents or paying the tax money in advance, he/she is deemed to have forfeited the winner status and does not hold the right to object. The prize winner needs to complete the filing of income tax return before the end of May the following year. Regarding other terms and conditions, the government’s tax-related regulations shall apply.
      ※For prize pick-up in our stores, the prize winner is required to bring his/her own photocopied ID/ARC (photocopying service will be provided in our stores).
  • Discount Vouchers are limited for the next transaction only; they cannot be redeemed for cash and no change will be given. When used for any purchase, Discount Vouchers will be stamped with ‘Redeemed’ and returned to the store. If not used before the expiry date, the Discount Vouchers will become invalid.
  • Discount Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cigarettes, alcohol, rice, eggs, milk, duty-free goods, consigned goods, and point collection cards or used as a down payment, delivery fee, maintenance fee or traded for non-commercial products like garbage bags issued by Taipei City and New Taipei City Governments.
  • When returning or exchanging a product, if the amount after deducting the product’s value fails to comply with the minimum requirements or conditions of the event, the scratch card and prizes must be returned at the same time. Failure to do so will be deemed as an incomplete return/exchange procedure, and the said product cannot be exchanged or returned.
  • The prize winner has to be 20 years of age or above. Those younger than 20 years old have to produce a statement signed by a legal representative in conjunction with the legal representative’s photocopied ID, or the winner must be accompanied by the legal representative in processing the prize pick-up procedures.
  • In addition to the actual prize, the prize winner is responsible for any additional cost incurred due to personal needs or as required by the law. If the prize winner is unwilling to pay for the additional cost or fails to pay the said cost before the expiry date, he/she will be deemed to have forfeited the prize.
  • The specifications, accessories, and color of the prizes provided for the event will depend on the actual product delivered by the suppliers. The prize winner will be responsible for the license fee, insurance, taxes and registration fee as required by the government, or any equipment installation as requested by the prize winner, or any additional cost incurred due to personal needs.
  • All prizes refer to actual goods as presented in our stores. They cannot be redeemed for cash or exchanged for other goods of the same price or purchased with cash. Prize winners are required to inspect the goods on the spot while in our stores to check for any product defects. Upon leaving our stores, no returns will be accepted for surface defects.
  • We are not responsible for the ensuing product warranty and maintenance service for the prize. For subsequent maintenance or warranty-related services, please contact the product supplier on their company service hotline.
  • For scratch cards issued by Show Ba, should there be any alteration, modification or damage that results in the scratch card becoming unidentifiable, we reserve the right to deem the said scratch card invalid and void. The cardholder does not hold the right to object.
  • We reserve the right to amend the event regulations, please refer to our on-site announcements in our stores. In case of force majeure events such as natural disasters, the company reserves the right to amend or terminate the event at any time without further notice.